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What it was Like Being Raised as Erin Katrina Seabolt Morrison's Little Sister

Written by: Tara Lea Seabolt Fox, Consultant/EIT, March 16, 2024


For some time, Erin and I had to share a bedroom. When the time came to decide on a color to paint the room, we were both asked what color we would like the room to be painted. I said anything but yellow. Erin said yellow. What color was the room painted? Yellow.

I would go to bed early to read in my bed. Erin would show up later and expect me to get out of bed and turn off the light. I would inform Erin that I could sleep with the light on.

I had to make a line in the center of the room to attempt to keep Erin out of my things. She continually would want to switch sides of the room. Back and forth we went.

For most nights, I was forced to hold Erin's hand while she slept, even though Erin is at least two years older than me.

The Seabolts added a bedroom by converting half of the garage into interior space. Erin and I were supposed to share the room. We were each given $150 to pick out bedspreads for the room. We decided to make an appointment later in the week to discuss what style each of us wanted and choose matching bedspreads for the room. I spent the time picking out options from several catalogs. However, when it came time for the meeting, Loretta Ann Lysaght Seabolt [the female that raised me] and Erin Katrina Seabolt Morrison let me know that the bedspreads were already ordered. They had picked out bedspreads on their own without my input. I asked for my $150 back and was refused.

Growing up, Erin Katrina Seabolt Morrison made it a habit to steal my clothes and have them replaced with lesser quality, lesser stylish versions. Even though Loretta Ann Lysaght Seabolt bought my clothes at Goodwill, JCPenney, WalMart, Erin still stole my clothing.

My chores consisted of cleaning one and a half bathrooms; the family laundry minus Erin's clothes; babysitting the children for free; sometimes feeding the children; sometimes bathing the children. Erin Katrina Seabolt Morrison's chores consisted of sometimes doing the dishes.

Erin Katrina Seabolt Morrison told me that her then boyfriend, Ken Soons, had an extra ticket to the Cure concert in New Orleans, Louisiana. However, the night of the concert, Erin Katrina Seabolt Morrison came into my bedroom and asked me what I was going to wear to the show. I told her I had not started getting ready yet. She then said that Ken was going to take another friend instead of me.

I was progressed to Erin Katrina Seabolt Morrison's grade when we attended Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Elementary School together in Slidell, Louisiana. [I already had several university degrees-one of which was a veterinarian degree from Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. However, I was forced to attend school reportedly for social skills.] But Erin Katrina Seabolt Morrison continually would copy off of my work. The administration decided that I should progress ahead of Erin, but Charles Frederick Seabolt [the male that raised me] refused to allow it. I was bumped back to age-level grade.


Charles Frederick Seabolt purchased a "teenager" car, which had a manual transmission. The clutch continually went out on the car. I rarely drove the car [like once]. However, the clutch issues continually were blamed on me.

Erin Katrina Seabolt Morrison made it a point to become friends with everyone that she thought was my friend.

Erin Katrina Seabolt Morrison dated everyone that I dated or even anyone who said hello to me that was male.

Erin Katrina Seabolt Morrison and Brandy Jolliff were "best friends" in Slidell, Louisiana. Mark Goodson also was Erin Katrina Seabolt Morrison's friend. So, Mark Goodson on occasion visited Erin at the Seabolt residence. Mark Goodson and I chatted, and Mark said he and his girlfriend had broken up. We became friends. I did not call Mark ever. I did not go to Mark's house. But, Brandy insists that I "stole her boyfriend." So much so that when the Seabolt family went to Disney, Erin brought Brandy Jolliff and I had to bring Lexie Faircloth-Nine. All four of us decided to go to the pool for a swim and there were two males in the pool. The boys said hello [I think to all of us] and I made the mistake of saying hello back. Brandy Jolliff said that because I "stole Mark" from her, she was going to steal these guys from me. I DID NOT EVEN KNOW THEM.

Erin Katrina Seabolt Morrison accused me of sleeping with her high school boy friend, Ken Soons. I DID NOT SLEEP WITH KEN SOONS. I DID NOT HAVE SEX WITH KEN SOONS. I DON'T EVEN LIKE KEN SOONS.


Charles Frederick Seabolt's older brother, Louie Seabolt, Sr. had a black-tie, sit-down dinner wedding for his daughter, Susan Seabolt [Susan Seabolt Mashburn]. After the ceremony at the dinner, I was sitting at a table with Jane Hutterly Seabolt and Erin Katrina Seabolt Morrison. Erin began bringing up things she claimed I did to her at ELEMENTARY SCHOOL AGE. I informed Erin Katrina Seabolt Morrison that I was sitting right here at the table with her; that I did not do the thing she claimed I did; that she should get over things that happened to her in elementary school since they did not even happen; and that I was leaving the dinner. A wedding dinner in which the wedding dress cost at least $50,000; the rather large five-star wedding dinner cost at least $50 a person; and a wedding that I did not even want to attend. So, how does an executive secretary [Louie Seabolt, Sr.] and a Vice President in Advertising for Johnson Wax [Jane Hutterly Seabolt] afford such a wedding? Mafia.

At another Seabolt family get together, Erin Katrina Seabolt Morrison was allowing her daughter, Margot Morrison to swim at the family pool wearing boy's gym shorts and no shirt. Erin said she did not spend money on bathing suits for her children. I told her she should have let me know and I could have brought her one of Madison's that Betsy got from Goodwill. That was the same get together in which one of the Seabolt females asked me if I had a razor they could have and ALL THREE SEABOLT CHILDREN HELPED THEMSELVES TO MY RAZORS. I EVEN THINK LORETTA ANN LYSAGHT SEABOLT GOT A RAZOR.

Then there is the Fearless Records situation. I am the owner/sole proprietor and ONLY EMPLOYEE of Fearless Records since January 1976. I search online and see that Erin Katrina Seabolt Morrison has a website named fearless records dot com. Erin Katrina Seabolt Morrison has friends that reportedly are employed by fearless records. Fearless Records is not for sale. It was not sold. It is my label until two hundred and fifty years after I die. Copyrighted. Forced contracts were monetary and not honored. Duress contracts were signed in cartoon character's names and not honored. Then there are the things that were outright stolen that no one would arrest the frauds for.


Stop donating online. Go outside and help local needy. Be safe. Boycott Hilton Hotels; RCA; Amazon; Apple Computers and Phones; Stephen Spielberg movies; the Democratic Party; and Penguin Publishing. They are the nazi regime. They are the problem. They have ties to the cia; the fbi; local law enforcement; the military. Crimes Against Humanity. Crimes Against Children. Crimes Against Women. 

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